A Week of Aborted Bike Rides and Broken Pac-Man

Released 9th of October 2015

All songs are written, performed and recorded by Elison

  • Special
  • Something Must Be Working
  • Repeating
  • I'll Amaze
  • Stop Wasting Time
  • I Believe In You
  • Feel Something
  • An Angry Boy
  • If Only We Knew
  • North Of The Border
  • Am I In Heaven?
A Week of Aborted Bike Rides and Broken Pac-Man by Elison

A Week of Aborted Bike Rides and Broken Pac-Man is an album written about meeting people, falling in love and going to Scotland. It is directly inspired by meeting my girlfriend Sam and our story so far. It has many true elements to it and is really just a collection of my feelings during our first year together captured, to the best of my abilities, in sound. The title came about after I spent a week in Kirkcudbright on my first holiday with her family. Her cousin asked me towards the end if I'd had a good time. I replied "Well its mostly been a week of aborted bikes rides and broken Pac-Man, but its been fantastic." to which he replied "that sounds like an album title." I promised him it would be and now it is. We did manage one bike ride, but the Pac-Man in The Masonic Arms remains broken to this day.